Our Purpose
Recognising the ongoing and essential expansion of renewable energy sources, traditional oil and gas resources will continue to play an important role in the total global energy mix, delivering reliable energy to a world that will see growing energy demand. Given the impact that fossil fuel use has on climate change, it is paramount that the world faces the dilemma of needing to continue using fossil fuels by seeking to minimize anthropogenic carbon emissions.
Subsurface analysis of the past was defined by evaluations focused on extracting rock and fluid materials from the earth. Today, the definition of subsurface analysis is expanding to include depositing and sequestering carbon in the subsurface, in addition to traditional extraction efforts.
Bifrost Energy has over 200 years of collective expertise in geological, geophysical, geomechanical, and geomodeling analyses, including simulating predictive rock and fluid behavior. Experience in basins around the world allows Bifrost Energy to apply global lessons learned to local problems, with an overall goal of a low carbon footprint across a portfolio of energy projects.